Changes: New Bib Site! (05/22/23)
We migrated the project to Illinois’ digital scholarship hub thanks to the hard work of our Technical Editor, Bryan Tarpley. Bryan translated our initial SQL code to the user end you see back in 2017, and he’s been instrumental in maintaining the bib since then. He’s officially joining the WBHB team this year, and we’re deeply grateful for his continued support and helping give our project a second, hopefully permanent home. For your bookmarks:
DHQ Article on the Bibliography (11/08/19)
We have published an article in Digital Humanities Quarterly on building the bibliography and some initial runs we did with our data. The link is here:
Women’s History Month (03/01/19)
For Women’s History Month, we are posting daily profiles of women printers, cataloguers, librarians, and archivists. These will be posted under the #31daysofwomensbookhistory hashtag on Twitter (saved in this Sammelband post). These profiles are largely pulled from a crowd-sourced list we did through SHARP-L in 2018, where members offered examples of women who had worked in various fields of bibliography. The Women’s History Month Campaign celebrates these stories with simple, informative profiles and relevant links and media.
Many of these subjects will appear in our (hopefully forthcoming) monograph on women and book history, which will eventually create a more sound archive for these stories.
Big News from MLA (12/05/18)
We are incredibly pleased to have been selected as honorable mention for the MLA Prize for a Bibliography, Archive, or Digital Project. More details about the award can be found here. This project has always been crowd-sourced and crowd-funded, and we’re grateful to everyone who has contributed along the way. Our particular thanks goes again to Laura Mandell and Bryan Tarpley at the Center for Digital Humanities Research for helping us transition to a database.
Our Thanks (04/15/18)
Due to your support, our website's administrative costs are fully covered for 2018-19! We funded the site solely through merchandise sales, and we realize this is a bit of an unconventional way of doing things. But it worked! Thanks for keeping the lights on this year and for supporting our projects.
Sammelband (02/01/18)
We launched Sammelband: A Book History Pedagogy Blog as a way of exploring book history in the classroom. We hope you find this resource useful as we continue to grow this platform. If you are interested in doing a guest post, please contact us! We are happy to feature your work.
Relaunch! (08/30/17)
The relaunch is here! The new database can be accessed at the link under the "bibliography" page. Sources from our backlog will be added steadily over the coming weeks. You can see the current source count at the bottom of the database page.
Upcoming Changes (07/20/17)
We were reviewed in the newest edition of SHARP News! We're very excited that this resource has been useful, and we are hard at work making it better than ever. We have not posted in a while because we have been behind the scenes building a new website. We have received a generous grant from the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media & Culture at Texas A&M University to get our new database online. The new structure will be fully searchable with a variety of filters and more tags and categories than before. We will also be adding about 400 new sources with this update from our backlog. Stay tuned!
Part 2 of October [November] Update Published (11/03/2016)
This is Part 2 of our update, which adds another chunk of sources and categorizes our database by subject. These source are more varied than our last update, but cluster around the subjects of Reading and Consumption and Genre Studies. Our next update should include our recent indexing of medieval sources, as well as translations of a number of non-English sources we have been gathering. We hope to have this update posted by the end of the year.
Part 1 of October Update Published (10/12/2016)
This is Part 1 of a 2-part planned update. This is our small but mighty half of the update: we added 145 new sources, the majority of which can be found in the 19th Century subsection. This is about a 50% increase, and it greatly enhanced our focused section. This kind of targeted research has worked out well for us, and we intend to pursue it again for the next round of updates, focusing on medieval and antiquity in particular. Part 2 will add in pages by subject.
June Update: 300 Sources (06/09/2016)
In addition to exceeding 300 sources, we have a brand new logo, donated by our design friend Tim Swartz.
May Update: 200 Sources (05/06/2016)
We have reached 200 sources! Thanks to all of you who have been submitting. We are growing quickly and will do our best to keep up with source suggestions.
Launch! (05/02/2016)
“Current Source Count: 165”
We have launched officially! Thank you to all our friends and colleagues who helped us beta-test the website and find errors and typos. This is just the start of what we as a community can accomplish, and we're grateful and humbled by the support we have received so far. Please keep submitting your source ideas and suggestions for the future of the site.